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Introduction to the corpus
Welcome to the Cartae Europae Medii Aevi (CEMA) website. Its aim is to offer historians multiple resources for the study of medieval diplomatic documents on a European scale, including the[…]
Read moreAims and Scope of the Project
The main objective of the project is to provide a platform for the conservation, interrogation and analysis of European diplomatic corpora – in particular from the perspective of data-mining analyses […]

Team Members
The CEMA would not exist without the previous databases, whose teams have for years collected and digitised existing documents.
LEARN MORESearch within the CEMA
There are several ways to search for a text, a word, a formula or a reference in CEMA. The standard mode allows the corpus to be queried in a classical way, like a simple search engine. The expert version allows advanced searches, on lemmas, co-occurrents, as well as various statistical treatments.There are several ways to search for a text, a word, a formula or a reference in CEMA. The standard mode allows the corpus to be queried in a classical way, like a simple search engine. The expert version allows advanced searches, on lemmas, co-occurrents, as well as various statistical treatments.
For a first research within the CEMA.
EXPERT SEARCHIf you wish to question the lemmas, the co-occurrents.
Bibliography of Diplomatics
The platform provides you with a bibliography of European diplomatic editions. Its ambition is not to list diplomatic works, but rather to indicate which editions exist, by zone and by country.The platform provides you with a bibliography of European diplomatic editions. Its ambition is not to list diplomatic works, but rather to indicate which editions exist, by zone and by country.
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In this section you will be able to download different files related to the CEMA. In particular, it makes available non-copyright edition, in PDF-image format, as well as various files from the textual database, in XML format.
More than 3,000 editions are included, waiting for an OCR-conversion.
TEXTUAL FILES (XML)Find the encoded XML files of the textual corpus itself.